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Inter-Contract Calls with the SDK

This guide explains how to use the SDK to execute a contract call where one contract interacts with another contract. We will use a simple scenario involving a SimpleToken contract and a TokenDepositor contract.

SimpleToken and TokenDepositor Contracts

In this example, we have a SimpleToken contract representing a basic token contract capable of holding balances for different addresses. We also have a TokenDepositor contract that deposits tokens into the SimpleToken contract.

Contract: SimpleToken

Here's a simple token contract that allows holding balances:


use ::simple_token_abi::SimpleToken;

use std::hash::*;
storage {
    balances: StorageMap<b256, u64> = StorageMap {},
impl SimpleToken for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn deposit(address: b256, amount: u64) {
        let current_balance = storage.balances.get(address).try_read().unwrap_or(0);
        storage.balances.insert(address, current_balance + amount);
    fn get_balance(address: b256) -> u64 {
        let balance = storage.balances.get(address).try_read().unwrap_or(0);
See code in context

Contract: TokenDepositor

The TokenDepositor contract imports the SimpleToken contract and calls its deposit function to deposit tokens:


use std::auth::msg_sender;

use ::simple_token_abi::SimpleToken;

abi TokenDepositor {
    fn deposit_to_simple_token(contract_id: b256, amount: u64);

impl TokenDepositor for Contract {
    fn deposit_to_simple_token(contract_id: b256, amount: u64) {
        let simple_token_contract = abi(SimpleToken, contract_id);

        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();

        let address: b256 = match sender {
            Identity::Address(sender_param) => sender_param.bits(),
            _ => revert(0),

        simple_token_contract.deposit(address, amount);
See code in context

Inter-contract calls using the SDK

Once both contracts are deployed, we can use the SDK to make the TokenDepositor contract to call the SimpleToken contract.

const amountToDeposit = 70;
const call1 = await simpleToken.functions.get_balance(wallet.address.toB256()).call();

const { value: initialBalance } = await call1.waitForResult();

expect(new BN(initialBalance).toNumber()).toBe(0);

const call2 = await tokenDepositor.functions
  .deposit_to_simple_token(, amountToDeposit)

await call2.waitForResult();

const call3 = await simpleToken.functions.get_balance(wallet.address.toB256()).call();

const { value: finalBalance } = await call3.waitForResult();

expect(new BN(finalBalance).toNumber()).toBe(amountToDeposit);
See code in context

Pay attention to the method addContracts called by the TokenDepositor contract. This method accepts an array of instances of deployed contracts. Without calling this method, the inter-contract call will not work.